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Gail Curtis:
Expert Private Tutoring

Qualified and experienced teacher for over 40 years


About Gail

I love tutoring and helping students to gain confidence and skills in their school work. Tutoring both Maths and English literacy skills has been my focus for the last eight years.


Prior to that, I taught Maths and Science in secondary schools in the ACT and NSW.


Also in the last eight years, I have used my extra qualifications in TESOL to teach English to adults at a registered training organisation.



I work in local libraries on the north side of Canberra.


Tuesdays and Thursdays

3.00pm - 5.30pm





Tutoring Services

Maths: Years 5-10

English: Years 5-12


$50 per hour.

Price negotiable for two siblings or friends together and with each focusing on their own topic/work.



Gail is an outstanding teacher who truly goes above and beyond to support her students. Her patience, encouragement, and tailored teaching approach make her stand out as a highly effective educator.


Gail’s passion for teaching shines through in every session. Whether you’re looking to excel in a particular subject, prepare for exams, or simply strengthen your skills, I wholeheartedly recommend Gail as a private tutor. She is dedicated, knowledgeable, and genuinely cares about her students’ success.


- Jo, High School and private TESOL College colleague who has taught alongside Gail for 21 years


Contact Me &
Let's Get Started

Please feel free to give me a call or send an email with any questions you may have or to book in a time.

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